Virtual switchboards are the star service of many of the VoIP operators that are currently active, and indeed, many offer this service, also dedicated to small and medium-sized companies and not just to large corporations. In today’s article, we analyze the companies Cloudtalk and Megacall, compare their prices, and tell you which is better for your business.

Cloudtalk is one of the most complete virtual switchboard solutions for companies, without the need for complex hardware, with advanced functions for managing calls with clients. But, does it measure up to Megacall? Let’s find out below!

Exploring Cloudtalk. Another virtual switchboard solution.

Cloudtalk is known for being a cloud communications provider for sales teams (customer service, support) that has gained prominence over the years by offering VoIP technology solutions for business communications. Cloudtalk aims to optimize workflow in companies of various sizes, with integrations to popular CRMs like Salesforce and Hubspot, call monitoring features, and analytics tools that improve sales team efficiency. One of its notable features is scalability; as businesses grow, Cloudtalk allows you to add functionalities by managing everything through an interface accessible from anywhere with an internet connection.

It is a platform that can be very useful for companies looking to improve their communications, for a price starting at 25€ you will have access to a wide range of features that are essential for any sales team and with a focus on scalability that many companies need. With this software companies can make calls and store all data obtained in their system, automate tasks, perform analysis of conversations, etc. However, Cloudtalk can be seen as having some gaps or services that are not offered very well and that the client is looking for, such as a personalized configuration, dedicated technical support… And taking this into account, what alternative do we have that includes these aspects and could it even be better?

Virtual switchboard functions. Megacall vs Cloudtalk

Both Megacall and Cloudtalk offer the key features you’d expect from any virtual switchboard, but with some differences and additional functionalities. Starting with call transfer, they are quite similar in both platforms, where an agent can send the call during the conversation to another within the system. However, Megacall stands out by allowing these call transfers to be configured easily using a visual editor, making it simpler for customers to visualize and manage. For integrations, Megacall provides a fluid integration with CRMs such as Zoho and Hubspot and other business tools, which allow advanced configurations to be available.  Although Cloudtalk also allows integrations, its focus is more oriented towards larger companies, which may require more complex configurations and even technical assistance for this.

Both platforms provide essential features such as call recordings, IVR menus, call forwarding, call queues, and call statistics and analytics. One notable difference in the analytics feature is that Cloudtalk focuses on data such as call minutes, phone numbers, and the agent handling the call. It has something interesting and it also includes an emotion-based rating system that uses conversation notes and ratings to extract qualitative data from a call. Cloudtalk’s scalability is another highlight benefiting growing businesses by allowing the addition of users and features as communication needs expand- though Megacall also offers this capability.

However, when compared to other options like Megacall, Cloudtal can fall short in some crucial areas. Despite offering a variety of features, Cloudatlk sometimes lacks sufficient dedicated service, which is something Megacall excels at, providing more robust customer support and assistance. After all, customer service and support are vital aspects that clients look for in a provider.

Megacall’s call analytics, for instance, are more functional. In addition to what Cloudtalk offers, Megacall includes call transcription and voice analytics, allowing for a deeper analysis of conversations and the extraction of more relevant data. As for web integrations, both Cloudtalk and Megacall feature a “click to call” option for returning customer calls. Megacall goes a step further by enabling calls to be made directly from the web using its softphone, available for Android and iOS.

To take advantage of and benefit from this type of platform, it is essential to understand how it works and how it is configured, and perhaps Cloudtalk does not make it so easy, since as the support (they don’t offer personalized attention) is not so accessible to customers, the configuration of the platform can become complex. On the other hand, Megacall stands out for its customer service and support.

Let’s talk about prices. Which virtual switchboard is cheaper, Megacall or Cloudtalk?

Now, let’s dive into the most interesting part: which option is more cost-effective? Starting with Cloudtalk, they offer a 14-day free trial, although the specific features included in this trial are not clearly defined, meaning you might need to contact customer service support for more details. Cloudtalk’s pricing plans range from 25€ per month per user (the cheapest option) to 50€ per month per user. As with most services, the more you pay, the more features, storage, and call minutes you get. For example, with Cloudtalk’s most basic plan, you’ll have access to features like call recording, automatic call distribution, and a softphone, but it won’t include options like adding business hours, greetings, and music to the IVR menu, which are only available in the higher-tier plans.

Megacall, on the other hand, offers a free version of its virtual switchboard. By paying as little as 2€ with an annual subscription, you get access to the virtual switchboard and all its features, including CRM integration, with numbers available from over 100 different countries. If you need more call minutes or storage, there are additional plans available. For example, the “Lite” plan costs 20€ per month with an annual subscription and includes a number, 5 users, and access to 35 countries, along with more call minutes and additional storage.

In summary, Megacall is significantly cheaper than Cloudtalk, offering more affordable options even for the businesses on a tight budget. While Cloudtalk provides advanced features and scalability, Megacall delivers essential functionalities at a fraction of the cost, making it a more cost-effective choice for many businesses.

Which virtual switchboard is best for your business?

In conclusion, when it comes to features, both Megacall and Cloudtalk offer nearly the same capabilities, with some standout aspects in Megacall, such as call transcriptions, voice analytics, and superior customer service. Cloudtalk does provide a comprehensive range of interesting features for a sales team, along with scalability for growing businesses. However, for those seeking more customization and support, it is worth considering alternatives like Megacall, which in addition to offering a wide set of functionalities, also has a more customer-centric approach, and today this is a highly valued aspect.

The real difference becomes evident in pricing. While Cloudtalk promises services with significant advantages, Megacall delivers the same, but at a more competitive price. Additionally, Megacall’s customer support is far more personalized, something that can often be lacking in other VoIP providers. Therefore, for businesses that value comprehensive support and advanced features at lower cost, Megacall emerges as the best choice.