Softphone are applications for both computers and mobile devices. This application will allow your computer to “become” a telephone terminal, with the same characteristics as a landline IP phone. It is an easy and quick mobile app to install. With softphones you can take the step from traditional and expensive telephony to a more professional telephony. What is a softphone? Why the Megacall mobile app? We will tell you about it in today’s blog with more details.

What is a softphone and how does a VoIP softphone work?

A softphone is an application that allows you to make phone calls over the Internet from a computer, and that, thanks to the mobile app, extends this functionality to mobile devices. This tool transforms any devices with an internet connection into a powerful communications center, offering flexibility and mobility to companies, facilitating communication between employees located in different headquarters, who telework or even for those who are traveling.

  • Calls from the web browser. It is possible to make and receive calls directly on the computer with the softphone tool.
  • Calls from the mobile app. The application allows you to connect with employees and clients from anywhere with your mobile or tablet in a simple way.

A softphone can be linked to a phone number, fully accessible for landlines as well, and you can keep the current number if you would like to switch from landline to a cloud-based option.

Types of softphone. Personal or professional?

We can say that softphones can be classified into two types; personal and professional, but how are they different?

Softphones for personal use are, for example, Skype, Whatsapp, Telegram and these types of instant messaging applications that we all know today. There are services used specifically for personal use without a professional objective involved.

Professional softphones are systems implemented within companies so that teams can work more comfortably and efficiently. Through them, they have access to all communication tools from the same place, facilitating collaborative work. A softphone that is focused on the professional field, offers advanced communication functionalities, integrates with other company tools and collects and analyzes information from recorded calls.

Using the free Megacall app as an example, you can make and receive calls on your corporate extension wherever you are, compatible with iOS and Android.

softphone megacal windows

The Megacall mobile app has great advantages; you can always carry the office phone with you, without missing important calls or calls from potential clients, it will provide faster customer service. In addition, they allow a better balance between work and personal life, helping to maintain a balance between both responsibilities, not only because of their flexibility, but also because of the possibility of scheduling availability times according to their personal needs and being able to work remotely without having to appear in the office or a physical place. This provides a lot of freedom and savings on telephone bills since the rates are cheaper than traditional telephony and the use of the application is free and also savings on transfers from one place to another.

In addition to all the functions that can be used with the Megacall mobile app, such as the basic ones of dialing, holding calls, transferring calls and also more advanced ones such as configuring call forwarding, support for push notifications, connection with virtual numbers from different countries. It also has integration with your mobile phone’s book and high sound quality. Megacall has the extension for Chrome that will allow you to make calls directly from the browser.

The user interface of the Megacall app is intuitive and easy to use, allowing agents to make calls, send messages and manage contacts without complications. By using VoIP technology, the softphone allows you to make and receive calls over the internet, resulting in significant savings on telephone costs, especially on international calls. Needless to mention, it has functions such as voicemail, call recording, voice recognition and other useful tools for the company, such as statistics and analytics to control every detail of the company’s conversations.

In addition, it can be integrated with other company tools and systems where all calls with clients are automatically synchronized. Now that you know that changing from a traditional system to a softphone has many advantages and that it is very easy when it comes to cloud solutions, do not hesitate to implement it for your company and join IP telephony.