Traditional telephony solutions fall short for most companies, especially if we are talking about SMEs or startups that need to adapt in order to stay afloat or at least in the market, and despite this, there are still many that show some resistance to adopting solutions that could improve their growth, such as the virtual switchboard.

The fear of losing control over communications and distrust in the stability of cloud-based systems are one of the most common barriers. However, virtual telephone switchboards can provide great advantages to SMEs, the key is to understand how this technology can help their growth and the needs of each business.

With a virtual switchboard you can help business grow

Knowing that a virtual switchboard offers SMEs a business adaptability that traditional telephony does not give you. And how can it help the growth of an SME?. First, the virtual telephone switchboard works from the cloud and does not require expensive physical infrastructure, so small businesses can have access to an advanced communication system without the need for a large initial investment, so we can already see that helps in saving money, which is no small feat. This in turn allows SMEs to scale easily since they can add additional lines and functionalities as their business grows, without having to worry about technical complications or high costs.

They can also achieve flexibility and answer calls from any device without necessarily being present in the office. This is especially interesting for SMEs, since if they are small companies that don’t yet have a large budget, they can use remote teams without problems and even for those who travel frequently, mobility does not compromise the quality of the service, since everything is managed through the cloud and only a stable Internet connection is needed.

On the other hand, SMEs with a virtual telephone switchboard will be able to control and analyze calls up to the last minute, and manage them with advanced tools. With them, they will have the possibility of knowing which agents are offering good service to customers, knowing the main complaints, or even taking advantage of business opportunities or those opportunities that went unnoticed. These are functions that only a virtual switchboard gives you and that greatly facilitate sales and the growth of a company.

Don’t be afraid to incorporate a virtual switchboard into your business

We could say that at first, many companies and especially small companies are afraid of moving to something new, perhaps because they are moving to something “unknown” without knowing what benefits it really brings them -despite the fact that there is a lot of information about it on the Internet- but until you try a service you always have doubts about whether it really gives you  what it promises, or many don’t know where to start.

An example to remove this fear, is Megacall virtual switchboard, capable of providing great functionalities to the management of the communication of an SME in a simple and economical way. In addition, advanced knowledge is not required now will they have to configure anything on their own from the beginning if they don’t want to, since Megacall has technical support that helps configure the personalized virtual switchboard for clients, ready to start up and ready for use, so it is one less weigh to worry about. In addition, to combat mistrust, Megacall starts with security and high reliability measures, ensuring that communications are secure and stable.

Other barriers that can stop SMEs from using a virtual switchboard can be the expense involved and that in the end it turns out not to be what was expected. But for virtual switchboards like Megacall’s, this is not the case, since we can access it for free, paying only for the number that is purchased and with your number and the virtual switchboard you can already use its functions and take advantage of all its benefits. In addition, as it is a scalable solution, SMEs can start with a basic package and then add more features as the business grows, without costly commitments from the beginning. In this way, Megacall makes adopting a virtual switchboard an easy and accessible process, without the perceived risks that often generate resistance in small companies.

Basic configuration steps in Megacall

Here are the first essential steps that are enough to get the switchboard up and running. Before you start configuring, you need to register on the Megacall platform. Once you have registered, you can start configuring the switchboard. Below we will see the steps to perform the basic configuration in Megacall.

  1. The configuration wizard will help you with the initial configuration of the virtual switchboard. First, press the “create switchboard” button in the personal area section.
  2. Once inside the configuration wizard, there are only two steps to take; select the number of extensions (employees) you want and then select the scene, by this we mean what the customer will hear when calling, which is known as the IVR menu and can be configured at any time.
  3. To start receiving calls from customers, you need to connect a virtual number. At Megacall we offer numbers from up to 100 different countries in the “virtual numbers” section or we give you the option of porting a number you already have in the “external lines” option of the virtual switchboard.
  4. Calls can be made and received either from the official Megacall application available for iOS and Android or from the Chrome browser through a plugin.

With this brief configuration, it is already possible to use the virtual switchboard to cover the main needs. You will always have the option of continuing to configure the switchboard, making it as complete as you want, being able to customize additional functions such as the IVR menu, the switchboard visual editor, call diversions and transfers, call recording, voicemail, etc.