Do you know what factors you need to consider when choosing the best call center software? Choosing a software to set up a call center that works virtually has a number of advantages, as there are no hardware maintenance costs and you always have the possibility to access online from any device. Alone, these factors make the job much easier as it can be accessible from any location and to many users.

Good call center software will help you provide excellent customer service and make your agents’ job easier.

Contents of the post:

  • What is call center software?
  • Which type of call center software should you use?
  • Best call center to work with
  • How easy is it to try a call center software?


What is call center software?

A call center software is a program hosted in the cloud with the function of making calls on a large scale. With call center software, you can run campaigns to offer products and/or services, take customer orders, conduct surveys, provide fast and efficient customer service, as well as make appointment booking or appointment reminder calls.

And that is why the priority is always to have a good database, where most of the telephone numbers are correct and exist.

It is a very versatile and easy to use programme that will allow you to have a call center in your office without having to make tedious installations or buy expensive equipment.


Which type of call center software should you use?

To find out what type of call center software you need, you will first need to be clear about your business objective or the use you are going to make of the program. Check this video first.

There is a call center software for local installation, where you will control its operation and will need to be responsible for installing, maintaining and updating the hardware and software. The initial investment and maintenance costs are important to consider.

For this reason, we recommend using a virtual call center hosted in the cloud. You will be able to access the platform via the browser and you will not need maintenance, as the provider of the platform provides support and can help you if there are any problems.

With a call center software in the cloud you can customise the interface depending on the use you are going to make of it, see statistics in real-time, integrate it with calendars and send emails. Its functionalities are fully adaptable to what you need to do.

On the other hand, a call center software allows you to make automatic calls, that is, to activate the predictive dialling function, so that calls from agents do not stop. In this way, the dialer takes care of calculating the volume of calls needed to achieve the highest productivity. It does this by predicting both the number of available agents and the availability of customers by dialling the next customer as soon as possible, thus reducing agent waiting time.



Best call center to work with

Below, are a series of tips and guidelines to choose the best software for call centers.

Set your goals

Before deciding on the right software for your call center you should first define your exact needs so that you do not end up choosing software that has a number of tools with multiple options, but which you do not intend to use. This mistake can only make the software itself more difficult to use and is likely to increase the price and its adaptation to your business model. So set your goals, what kind of calls are you going to make? how many agents do you need? do you need a predictive dialer?

Integrated softphone

A software equipped with an integrated softphone makes it easier for agents to make calls and execute campaigns. With this option the phone itself is integrated in to the browser via WebRTC so your agents will simply have to press a button to start the call.

Predictive Dialer

One of the most important points is to make sure that the system you choose has a predictive dialing option. The predictive dialer allows a continuous call flow for each operator, therefore decreasing the need for manually dialing the phone number, waiting times, and, in some cases, the possibility of an agent not connecting to a lead. If you want to know more check this post.

Simultaneous campaigns

To optimize resources as much as possible, it is important that the software allows agents to work on several campaigns simultaneously. For this reason, the call center software you choose must allow you to assign agents to different campaigns as well as different levels of priority.


One of the most useful aspects of the best software for call centers is the level of customisation that its interface allows. We must check if we can create forms, surveys, shopping carts, send automatic emails once the call is over, integrate calendars, etc. All this will allow agents to type the information at the same time they are talking to the client and this way focus on getting the data we are really interested in.

CRM Integration

Another very useful feature when looking for software for a call center is the integration of a CRM. This way, we can quickly and easily include and update our contacts in our contact center.

Statistics & Guiding

Another important point that a good call center software must have is the ability to analyse the results obtained in the campaigns. It is useful to have complete reports and for these reports to be easily adapted to the needs of individual companies. In addition, seeing the calls that are being made in real time and the active agents is a very good tool for controlling the campaigns.


The easier the platform is to use, the faster and more convenient its daily management by the call center agents will be, allowing for time optimisation one benefits this brings to any business.


When choosing the best call center software, you should consider the way you would most likely be interested in paying for such a system. You can choose from several options including: purchasing a license (which is a more expensive solution), or pay per agent and/or per month.

There are other contract modalities such as the one offered by Megadialer, which has no maintenance cost, no installation cost and no agent cost. You will simply pay for the minutes of the calls you make by choosing one of the three top-up options. You will have to recharge your balance as you spend it, just pay as you go. This is one of the most flexible options and one that provides greater savings.


How easy is it to try a call center software?

Does it have a free trial? Some call centers management software offers a free trial for a certain period of time. This is a positive and valuable option that allows you to test the software and see if it can be what you are looking for in order to get the most out of your business and how agents can work with it.

It can also allow you to simulate calls to check the quality of the connections.

All you have to do is check the official website of the software or contact customer service.

If you want to try a call center software for free right now and request a demo, click here.

We hope this guide on how to choose the best call center software has helped you, do you have any questions? Leave it in the comments.